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Pan Arab Union For Peace


Jump in anywhere -- "it's all good"

Latest attractions: 

A Song for Saddam

American Economic Crash 2007
War Criminal dubya
Jean's Slideshow

Jean's a BABE 
Officially Retired
Jean M. Temple, MBA (Ms.)  --  http://panarabunion.tripod.com/Jean
Jean M. Temple, MBA (Ms.)  -- http://jeantemple.tripod.com
Nehalem (grandsons)  --  http://jeantemple.tripod.com/nehalem
Twins -- Noah and Daniel  --  http://jeantemple.tripod.com/twins
William Temple of Bradford-on-Avon  --  http://paulwtemple.tripod.com

Holy Matrimony

All I Want For Christmas 2006  --  http://presidentofiraq.tripod.com/id19.html

Other Holidays
Happy St Patrick's Day! 2004 2005 -- http://jeantemple.tripod.com/stpat2004
Happy Easter 2007  --  http://collectmetro.tripod.com/easter
Happy Birthday SADDAM HUSSEIN  --  http://truthanddemocracy.tripod.com/saddam
Happy Birthday MarvelousMom 2006  --  http://truthanddemocracy.tripod.com/saddam/id6.html
Happy Birthday MarvelousMom 2007  --  http://saddamandjean.tripod.com/mercyandtruth/id5.html
Happy Valentine's Day 2007  --  http://jeantemple.tripod.com/nassersegypt/id11.html

Try the REAL war criminals  --  http://jeantemple.tripod.com/ICC.html
Pan Arab Union For Peace Homepage -- http://panarabunion.tripod.com
Pan Arab Union For Peace  InfoPlease --  http://panarabunion2.tripod.com

Saddam Hussein - a Man of Wit,
Charm, Passion and Grace --  http://panarabunion.tripod.com/saddam

Saddam Hussein -- President, Prime Minister,
and Great High Potentate  --  http://panarabunion.tripod.com/saddam2
Mother of All
Pan Ararb Union For Peace  --  http://presidenthussein.tripod.com/tigers
President Saddam Hussein  --  http://presidenthussein.tripod.com
President Saddam Hussein  --  http://presidenthussein.tripod.com/2004
Saddam Hussein and Friends  --  http://presidenthussein.tripod.com/friends
usoa, uk war criminals  --  http://presidenthussein.tripod.com/repentance
Face of Mass Murderers  --  http://saddamandjean.tripod.com/murderers
Rumdum(b) Strikes Again  --  http://saddamandjean.tripod.com/rumdumb
Saddamand Jean  --  http://saddamandjean.tripod.com/
Victory Victory is Our Cry  --  http://saddamandjean.tripod.com/ourwin
Saddam for President  --  http://saddamforpresident.tripod.com
Saddam for President  --  http://saddamforpresident.tripod.com/prez
Happy Birthday SADDAM HUSSEIN  --  http://truthanddemocracy.tripod.com/saddam
Saddam: the One Who Confronts the Evildoers  http://truthanddemocracy.tripod.com/presidentofiraq
Truth and Democracy  --  http://truthanddemocracy.tripod.com
Government Abuse  --  http://governementabuse.tripod.com/
Assassination Politics  --  http://governmentabuse.tripod.com/assassins
Pictures for Libel  --  http://libelandslander.tripod.com
S A D D A M  Triumphant  --  http://libelandslander.tripod.com/kangaroocourt
2 0 0 6  The Year of Saddam and Jean  --  http://saddamthemagnificent.tripod.com/2006
Saddam the Magnificent  --  http://saddamthemagnificent.tripod.com
the One Who Confronts the Evildoers  -- http://saddamthemagnificent.tripod.com/confrontation
Transcendent and Sanctified  --  http://saddamthemagnificent.tripod.com/2008
President of IRAQ under fire  --  http://presidentofiraq.tripod.com
American Economic Crash 2007  --  http://americaneconcrash2007.tripod.com

Saddam Hussein sites
after usofa assassination
Happy Easter 2007  --  http://collectmetro.tripod.com/easter
Pan Arab Union For Peace INDEX  -- https://panarabunion2.tripod.com/index

Memorial Site  --  http://nycmta.tripod.com

John Gotti --